Looking at these problems of Students & College authorities, it is proposed to introduce Student Academic Management System (SAMS) in a phased manner. SAMS has two components i.e. e-Admission & e-Administration.
e-Admission: e-Admission aims to use Information Technology to process applications for admission which would reduce time & improve efficiency for the college functionaries who have been doing it manually. It would also make the admission process economical, efficient, hassle free & transparent for the students and their parents. The students/parents have to travel to only one of the colleges under e-Admission process to be able to get admission to any stream of any college of their choices.
e-Administration: e-Administration aims to use the database of e-Admission in various academic & administrative activities like issue of identity card, collection of fees, section allocation, issue of admit cards, tabulation of internal examinations marks, submission of return of matriculates, preparation of long roll, etc. It will follow e-Admission in pilot phase colleges. In other colleges, students database will have to be created to make e-Administration possible.
Students are placed in different groups for the conduct of practical classes. As soon as the practical groups are formed, a student must find out to which group he/she has been assigned. If he/she does not find his/her name in any of the groups assigned for the practical classes, he/she should bring this to the notice of the Principal immediately.
Proctorial system has been introduced for developing personal relationship between students and teachers and for timely guidance and advice in academic and other matters. Under the system a batch of students is assigned to a Proctor to whom the students meet at a place and on the date previously fixed and put forth their difficulties. All applications for free studentship, financial aid, borrowing books from the Book- Bank or the Text Book library, examinations etc. should come through the proctor with his recommendations.